Apologies first, I went away to Germany on holiday and I did not even leave a note for you! Now I am back and I have a lot to tell, so I will make up for my absence.
My friend and neighbor Debby from Bee in Italy told me about this amazing event in which Earth, mother earth, our earth is going to be honored for an hour. Just an hour? you say. Yes an hour, but what an hour! 60 whole minutes without lights all over the world, at 8:00 PM (your local time) on March 29th. You can read all about it here. See the difference that you can make!
Our trip included a visit to the "Pinakothek der moderne" or the Museum of Modern Art in Munich, I was inspired by a temporary exhibition made by students and teachers, using self-locking plastic strings (you know the ones that look like little belts, and once you engage one end with the other are stuck for ever.) It took 52 people a total of 16,870 hours and 1'292,300 plastic strips. A lot of fun and creativity, enjoy the pictures...
A New Season Begins – March 2024
11 months ago
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