First, I have to apologize for my absence. I am in the mist of change and it is taking a lot of my time.
I am back with the latest from La Cucina di Nicola. We bring you the easiest recipe yet. This is a very popular dessert in Colombia, it resembles a flan. Nicolas loves it and wants to make it everyday now that he knows how easy it is. I hope you enjoy it as well.
(three milk dessert)
200 ml condensed milk
200 ml whipping cream
200 ml whole milk
4 eggs, beaten
1/2 teaspoon vanilla estract
For the caramel
150 grs sugar
3 tablespoons waterFirst make the caramel on a nonstick pan over medium heath. Mix the sugar with the water and stir the mixture until it starts melting. Keep stirring until the sugar caramelizes (it will become liquid and brown in color.) Be careful, as caramel would be HOT. Pour the caramel on the bottom of an 8x8 in. Pyrex recipient (or any other ovenproof recipient of similar size.)
Preheat oven to 375F
Mix all ingredients together until blended. Pour mixture over the caramel. Place in prewarmed oven for 40 minutes.
A New Season Begins – March 2024
10 months ago
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