Sweet, just writing the word makes my mouth water and my stomach growl. Add a nice adjective to the word, let's say: American, and what do you get? American sweet or in Nicolas's dictionary: Wonka!
Well, today the Posta Italiana (Italian post) has delivered, after a couple of MONTHS, a box on our doorstep. This unasuming box was addressed to Nicolas, and it was meant to be a Christmas present (technically, it still IS a Christmas present.) Inside the box he unearthed a rich sampler of his favorite candy: nerds, sweet-tarts, gobstopers, and my personal favorite: chewy sweet-tarts. He was surprised and oh, so happy! What we liked best about our special care package was the note that came with it, which read:
To our dear friend, Nicolas,
Who's miles away,
Sending best wishes to you,
For a happy holiday.
We searched the stores for your favorite sweets
Hope you enjoy these "American" treats.
It was signed by our dear friends and neighbors in California: the Martinos and the Muertters.
Nicolas sat down at the computer to write a thank you note to our friends. He called me before he sent his e-mail and read it to me. (Have I ever mentioned before how sweet this boy is?) He wrote the following:
Dear friends,
I know we're far away,
but I've got to say,
that candy was good,
and I think I should,
say thank you,
and shout,"WOOHOO!!"
and when i come back,
I'll bring back a sack,
filled with Italian food.
No editing on my part. Have a sweet weekend!
A New Season Begins – March 2024
10 months ago
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