Music in my ears, music in my heart...
Nicolas plays the guitar, and I still wonder how he does it. Neither my husband nor I are musically inclined, but somehow our boy understands rhythm, notes, cords, and tempo... this fascinates me and makes me proud.
Last week the European School organized a concert at the theater in Varese, we are talking about a proper theater, with professional lights, and sound; all of it very exciting for my boy and his friends. Nicolas has been part of the "Little Big Band" since he started school in September, and even though he signed up for it without knowing what it was all about, he has enjoyed the experience and the music. The concert was a great opportunity to showcase all their hard work. The elementary school had their chorus and their orchestra. The secondary school was represented by their own chorus, orchestra, and Big Band.
I have to admit that my expectations were not high, little did I know that I was about to be pleasantly surprised. The concert began with a joint choirs and orchestra performance of Songs of Sanctuary by Karl Jenkins. I wish I could replay it for you, because it was beautiful! It was a great opening piece with great rhythm and powerful sounds. What I liked best was the fact that all the words in the song are made up words, the syllables borrowed from both Latin and African sounds. How appropriate for a school that has five main sections in five different languages. Each song was introduced in a different language, and it was sometimes translated into Italian... I am glad that music is a language in itself, we did not need translation to understand its meaning.
The program included a little of everything, from classical music, to elvis; from rock and roll to jazz. All in all, the concert was a hit! Nicolas was deeply inspired by the whole evening, he now wants to be the best guitar player there is... I tell him that wanting it is the first step to achieving it. I can't wait!
A New Season Begins – March 2024
11 months ago
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