The party is on! I am fashionably late for it but I am ready to have fun and meet new people! Our host, 5minutesformom succesfully hosted another blog party a year ago, and almost a thousand bloggers showed up for it. I did not even know what a blog was a year ago!
So if you are blog-hopping and this is your first time visiting, please get confortable and let's get to know each other. Leave a comment and I will visit you too.
I am Beatriz, the note writer, picture taker, journalist of my life and that of my husband Fernando and my son Nicolas.
This blog of mine started as a way to keep in touch with our friends and family when we moved to beautiful Italy from gorgeous California. I am Colombian, and yes Colombia is magnificent and breathtaking. I am a visual artist, and I am always in search of the particular, the original, the inspiring. This blog is not about art, but it feeds my creativity. I write about simple things, our everyday experiences, the learning process of change, the words in our mouths and the thoughts in our minds, not all in the same language. The writing is mostly in English, a few Italian and Spanish words find their way here though.
Please make yourself at home and take some time to look around, I will be serving lots of desserts from La Cucina di Nicola and will have some Colombian coffee to go with it.
A New Season Begins – March 2024
11 months ago
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